Why only DESI COW GHEE : SureshFoods.com


Desi Cow Ghee is prepared by Milk obtained by grass-fed cows. Cow ghee is the only proceeded Vedic ghee that is traditionally made by Bilona churned method through curd route. Cow ghee is considered a Sattvic food in Ayurveda and have been used in many medicines for its medicational properties. Fact: One year or more…

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Benefits of Des -Cow Ghee : SureshFoods.com

Benefits of Desi Cow Ghee

Ghee is 100% butterfat… golden, flavorful, nutrient-rich butterfat. Butter contains primarily butterfat, but also milk proteins and water. Ghee is an essence of milk, which has been shimmered and stained from impurities to get the golden goodness. Ghee is actually butter oil because milk is transformed to curd and then the curd is churned to…

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3 Ayurvedic Herbs For Immunity

Boost Immunity With 3 Ayurvedic Herbs

The vital spirit of all body tissues is called “Ojas.” According to the properties of Ayurveda, Ojas is suggested to be managed for the overall system, immunity, and thought-process of people.  According to the basics of Immunity – Vyadhikshamatva or Bala or Ojas, the body’s pressure is not only essential for disease treatment but also…

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Why Ghee Massages Are Good For You

Are Ghee Massages Good For You?

Full body massage in Ayurvedic holistic alleviation is called Abhyanga practice, where the ghee is been picked very thoughtfully as it leads to deeply penetration cells and flushes the physical, mental, and spiritual antigenic toxin from our body, hence detoxifying our body from head to toe, inside out to the whole system.  The oils, herbs,…

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Reduce Weight - Friendly Smoothies To Include In Your Diet

Diet Tips For Reducing Weight

Smoothies are also effective in enabling your kids to have something healthy excluding fuss. However, ensure you prepare them with vibrant fruits, and you’d see them muffled in a glass in no time. In this blistering heat, these chilled, yogurt-inclusive beverages bring about much-required discontinuation.  Did you know homespun fresh smoothies could also be unsophisticated…

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10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Adults

10 Simple Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Adults

Lifestyle is the form of attentiveness, beliefs, behaviours, and behavioural paths of an individual, group, or tradition. There are a few kinds of lifestyles in the running age category such as college days, a vegan lifestyle, a sedentary lifestyle, a green lifestyle, a post-grad lifestyle, etc.  But we want to concentrate on a healthy lifestyle….

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