Hiccups are an involuntary contraction of your diaphragm that goes on to recurrent second after second. At times it can get quite frustrating due to prolonged uneasiness. But, to your rescue come simple home remedies for hiccups that can offer easy relief from such contractions. A flat muscle lies between the chest and stomach called…

Health Benefits of Desi Ghee in Coffee
You may be aware of bulletproof coffee or butter coffee. Frothy, refreshing, and strangely nuttier, ghee in coffee is a delicious way to have some extra calories in the morning or maintain your keto plan. But what about people who are sensitive to digest dairy, or just want a higher-quality substitution for coffee? Stand back…

Desi Cow Ghee: A Potion That Makes You the Strongest
ghee that makes you strongest. But despite the misconceptions that buzz around desi ghee, let’s still take a jump into the advantages of this golden syrup that is one of the most popular yet highly nutrient-dense superfoods. So what is desi cow ghee and what wonders did it earn to be so incredible and different…

Desi Cow A2 Ghee and Cancer Protection
There has often been a discussion on whether desi ghee is healthy for the body or not. Well, guess what? Ghee, often accused of being unhealthy to the heart, actually has no debilitating impact on cardiac health, offering the fat intake is limited to the suggested moderate amount. In fact, organic ghee has many cancer-fighting…

Is Desi Ghee Vegan?
With the explosion of vegan-friendly options hitting supermarket stocks, it’s no shocking that a vegan might observe the inclusion of a lactose-free butter replacement called desi ghee and wonder if it’s also vegan-friendly. In almost all scenarios, it is not. Desi ghee is a dairy product, and even though the milk solids have been taken…

Indian Breed Cow: The Life Nourisher
The cow is considered as a life nourisher in Indian tradition. Lord Krishna has said cow as ‘Kamdhenu’ that fulfills all our wishes. All gods live in the body parts of cows. According to holy scripture, the goddess of wealth Lakshmi first appeared in the cow form. Cows in Indian customs have been respected, protected,…

Uses Of Desi Cow Ghee For Eyes
Ghee is essentially good for health with many nutrients in it. The right amount of ghee consumption every day helps you keep your health good. Centuries ago ghee is used in Ayurveda practices in tandem with herbal medicine. Desi Ghee is enriched with many antioxidant properties that enhance immunity and can boost digestion power. Experts…

Desi Ghee: Why it is an Important Part of Our Diet
Food is good medicine that keeps us healthy and strong, if we consume it properly. The right amount of Vitamins, minerals, proteins, cholesterol, and carbohydrates are required to keep our body healthy. Some food increases your energy, some food may build your body’s strength, and some food boosts your immune system to fight against the…

Benefits Of Desi Ghee For Skin
Desi cow ghee is extracted from grass-fed cow milk. Pure desi ghee is clarified butter that has been an inseparable part of our Indian traditions and culture. Grass-fed cow’s milk has special value for both spirituality and healthy life. A2 cow ghee which is obtained from grass-fed cow’s milk also has its special value and…

11 Amazing benefits of desi ghee
Ayurveda trust ghee has incredible healing properties. And it is proved with the latest research that ghee is good for health and it is used as medicine in some cases. Ghee is one of the kitchen staples that are used in most dishes like daal, chappati, and many sweets. It was a belief that ghee…

What Is Bilona Ghee And Why Bilona Ghee Is Costly?
Bilona ghee is the traditional method of producing aromatic ghee. This method is slow, elaborate, and requires great manual time and effort. But processed ghee is prepared with the quick modern method using machines. And hence the Bilona ghee has more nutritional value compared to the processed ghee. A2 Bilona ghee prepared with Sahiwal grass-feed…

Balanced Diet And Why Is It Important
A well-balanced diet is a diet that has the correct ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, fiber, as well as a proper portion of fat that the body needs. However, the diet is completely based on the factors such as sex, age, and profession, and the daily habits of the person. A general worker by…