Use ghee as energy booster :

Use Ghee As Energy Booster

Medium-chain fatty acids are found in Desi Ghee that is easily absorbed into the liver like any other carbohydrates and is burnt quickly for releasing energy. Actually, athletes can depend on it as a consistent source of energy.  So surprisingly, the energy obtained from the medium-chain fatty acids can also be utilized to burn other…

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Benefits of Nasyam :

Nasya Treatment with Desi Ghee

Nasya is an Ayurvedic term, a procedure followed for disorders related to migraine, throat, nose, ear, sinusitis and any other organ above the neck. Ayurveda purifies these organs and removes vitiated doshas through the nasal openings.  It works specifically on disorders of the ear, nose and throat. Nasya is one of the five Panchakarma therapies. …

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Use Ghee for Weight Management :

Use Ghee for Weight Management

Indian Kitchen has lots of ingredients that are being used as home remedies for various medical problems. Ghee is one of them, which is being used not only as medicine; but as a carrier of medicine too. Ayurveda described the medical use and benefits of desi cow ghee in your daily diet. Pure bilona churn…

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