Benefits of whey protein :

Benefits Of Whey Protein

Whey protein is not just for those who want to increase their body mass and get a perfect body shape of their choice. But, it is also for those who wish to reduce their weight. And at the present time, whey protein is the best and most popular protein source. It is one among those…

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Effectiveness of Whey Protein :

Effectiveness of Whey Protein

What is whey protein? Whey protein is the collection of proteins found in whey which is a byproduct of cheesemaking. When a coagulant is added to milk, the curd and whey separate. Whey  protein is the water-soluble part of milk. The milk contains two types of protein namely – casein and whey. There is 80%…

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Traditional Mohanthal recipe :

Traditional Mohanthal recipe

Mohanthal recipe tastes almost like the south Indian favourite as well as famous Mysore pak. It is a dessert or a gram flour fudge that originated in Gujarat. Here, Mohan which is an alternative name of Lord Sri Krishna and thal means bhog or prasadam.  It is believed that Lord Krishna loved the sweet. It…

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Colostrum powder effectiveness :

Colostrum powder effectiveness

What is colostrum? Colostrum is the milky liquid produced by the mammals like humans, cows, elephants and dolphins etc during the first few days of postpartum. It is said that the colostrum contains high nutrient content and also contains high content of antibodies which may help them to fight against various bacteria or infections. It…

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Life Cycle of Desi Cow

Life Cycle of Desi Cow

Cows are one of the most important domestic animals which are considered to be holy animals, especially in India. Cows benefit humans as well as the environment in many ways. They are the most beneficial domestic animals. They are raised as dairy animals for milk and different dairy goods and as draft animals.  Cow dung…

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