Why Ghee Massages Are Good For You

Are Ghee Massages Good For You?

Full body massage in Ayurvedic holistic alleviation is called Abhyanga practice, where the ghee is been picked very thoughtfully as it leads to deeply penetration cells and flushes the physical, mental, and spiritual antigenic toxin from our body, hence detoxifying our body from head to toe, inside out to the whole system.  The oils, herbs,…

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Why Eating On Time Is Important

Why Eating On Time Is Important

I wanted to share a concept of my long-time experience and understanding of the interlink between diet and health. In addition to the vitality of consumption on time. These observations and the understanding that followed were created over years of working with clients, together with my individual experience.  It has been observed that over time…

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How To Incorporate Ayurveda In Your Daily Life

Different Ways To Incorporate Ayurveda In Your Daily Life

Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old medical structure that emerges in the Vedic custom of India. It was forbidden by English residents but is now undergoing a recent rejuvenation, Except yoga and other traditional and medicinal approaches are available to health.  If yoga is an instruction of psychology, spirituality, and mental peace, Ayurveda is an edification of…

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Weight Loss Myths Busted

Today’s sedentary lifestyle and food variety have concluded in a condition where most people constantly struggle to persist. All kinds of suggestions, schedules, and affirm that is, far too often, less than scientifically viable since decreasing weight is on roughly everyone’s perceptions.  Here, we’ll consider the top seven weight-loss misconceptions and describe why the field…

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Tips for Healthy Teeth

Essential Tips For Healthy Teeth

Everybody wants to have a dazzling smile and it expects and concerns a lot about a person. Poor oral hygiene can provoke kinds of dental issues in the future, for example, gum disease, bone weakness, Tooth decay, cavity and that’s just the initiation.  Routine dental check-ups and care can resolve these issues and as well…

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Home Remedies for Good Oral Care

Home Remedies – Good Oral Care

If we didn’t have healthy teeth, we couldn’t consume most of the things we enjoy and our ability to enunciate words clearly too would get affected. That said, you need to take care of it every day in order to balance it. Brushing, flossing and accounting for a mouthwash daily is extremely difficult in order…

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How Much Water Should I Drink?

Water – How Much Should I Drink To Stay Healthy?

How much water should you intake a day? You often notice that it’s essential to drink plenty of water when the temperatures soar the atmosphere outside. But hanging hydrated is a daily need, no matter what the thermometer suggests.  Unfortunately, many of us aren’t getting enough to swallow. Ayurveda has suggested convertible recommendations over the…

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