11 Tips to Improve Your Digestion System

Tips to Improve Your Digestion

If you routinely suffer from bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal issues, gas, or any other digestive problems after meals, there’s a good chance it has something to do with your lifestyle habits.

Find out how day-to-day things like stress and dehydration may be one of the reasons for your upset stomach. Simple lifestyle tips can enhance your digestive health drastically. The following lifestyle elements may be adversely affecting your gut health:

  • What you Intake
  • Mindful (or mindless) consumption
  • Physical exercise schedule
  • Daily hydration level
  • Your total sleep time
  • stress and anxiety effect on health
  • Bad routines such as late-night snacks or alcohol or tobacco intake

How do lifestyle changes impact digestion?

There are a lot of various things that affect our digestion and overall gut issues. Some things we can control are by changing daily habits. If you routinely feel stomach problems, poor lifestyle choices may be damaging your gut. You should go for a well-balanced diet, and daily exercise is helpful for you.

Your digestive system works on converting the foods you consume into the nutrients for your body’s requirements. If you ignore your digestive tract, your system could run into issues captivating those important nutrients.

The diet you follow and the lifestyle you live have a direct effect on your digestive tract. Curious about the tips to progress your digestive health. So it can boost your digestive health more impressively and build your overall health and feel of well-being.

You can try following these strategies in your daily routine for running digestion smoothly:

1. Prefer a high-fiber food 

Consuming a high-fiber riched food that’s found in grains, vegetables, fruits, and pulses can progress your digestive tract. A high-fiber diet is useful to maintain mobility of foods through your digestive system so that you are less likely prone to constipation issues

Consuming a high-fiber diet can also promote you to prohibit and cure different digestive problems, like diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, and irritable bowel syndrome disorders (IBS). 

2. Consume colorful, plant-based organic foods

Digestive problems can be overcome by neglecting some foods like which are hard-on-the-tummy, such as fried, artificially processed, or acidic items, and having a habit of consumption of dry nuts and seeds, green vegetables, whole grains, and legumes prevents you from a lot of digestive issues. 

3. Elevate your hydration level

Not drinking sufficient water is a basic reason for constipation among senior citizens and kids. This is due to the fact that we frequently choose water with sugar choices. You should have at least 1.5-2 liters of non-caffeinated drinks daily to tackle constipation problems. 

If you are doing exercise on a daily basis then you should have even more water! You can also elevate your water quantity by intaking fruits rich in water content, herbal teas, and non-caffeinated drinks such as flavored seltzer waters.

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 Read more : How desi ghee helps in everyday health problems

4. Avoid high-fat foods 

In general, fatty foods slow down digestive procedures and constipation issues will occur. But since it’s crucial to add some healthy fat to your diet plan, the combination of fatty foods with high-fiber items stimulates the digestion process very smoothly.

5. Choose lean meats

 Protein is an incredible part of a nutritional diet, but fatty large-sized meat can lead to digestive issues. When you consume meat, always prefer lean cuts, like pork loin and thin skin poultry, and a limit on quantity, try to fill your plate more with fiber-rich items like grains, fruits, and vegetables.

6. Induce probiotics into your diet

Probiotics are the same category of healthy bacteria that are naturally available in your digestive tract. They use it to keep the body healthy by fighting against the effects of a loose or poor diet, antibiotics, and stress.

Probiotics can develop a nutrient absorption rate that may be useful for breaking down lactose, boosting your immune system, and also even tackling IBS. So people should prefer to consume good sources of probiotics, such as low-fat yogurt on a regular basis.

7. Follow a low FODMAP diet plan

Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAP) content foods can be difficult for some of us to break down or digest. If you have an IBS problem or sometimes suffer from indications like stomach cramping, gassiness, bloating, and diarrhea. Then the low FODMAP diet may deliver some relief. 

This diet is not for a longer period of time. It will help you to identify which trigger diet list you should ignore for healthy digestion. Take suggestions from a registered dietitian nutritionist (RD or RDN) who has expertise in this area to plan your diet is healthy while showing which foods should be removed from your diet for good.

8. Make a schedule of food

Consuming your meals and healthy snacks at a regular time can maintain your digestive system in top shape. Fix some timings to sit down for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks and follow it around the same time every day for better digestion.

9. Say ‘No’ to smoking, excessive caffeine, and alcohol

Liquor, cigarettes, and too much coffee or other caffeinated beverages can disturb the working of your digestive tract and lead to issues like stomach ulcers and heartburn or acid reflux.

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Read More : Desi cow ghee- a natural testosterone booster for men

10. Practise exercise regularly

Regular exercise is useful to mobilize foods through your digestive process, avoiding constipation issues. Staying energetic and physically active can also keep your weight on the right track, which is essential for your gut health. Make it a habit of at least 30 minutes of daily exercise for your day plan.

11. Manage stress

Too much stress or anxiety can lead your digestive health to go into overdrive. Try stress-reducing activities or meditations that you enjoy and practice them on a regular basis. As meditation will help you to remove negative energies and offer calm or peace to mind. 

You feel relaxed, refreshed after practice. As we discussed the lifestyle changes tips that we have to add to our routine besides that here is one essential tip that every age people should include ghee to their everyday diet as it promotes quality sleep to get rid of stress.

Ghee digestion: how ghee promotes smooth and faster digestion

Ghee is a digestion-friendly trait to food, however, only pure grass-fed ghee can deliver you this quality. Ghee and its digestion power are like magic that is offered by the properties of desi ghee. Due to the ghee’s nutritional profile, it is possible to solve indigestion.

Ghee digestion: what are the benefits of ghee in everyday routine?

When ghee is infused into the diet, it triggers the process of digestion in various ways.

  • Ghee regulates the secretion of gastric juice and encourages faster digestion, the enzymes present in the gastric juice are useful to break down foods and make them ready for the digestive process.
  • Ghee in the diet lowers the issue of bloating, flatulence, and acidity.
  • The butyric acid level of ghee is useful in detoxifying toxins stored in the digestive system.
  • Ghee is useful to balance a healthy coating in the stomach lining, balancing the acids in the stomach.
  • Ghee includes healthy saturated fats, which contain long, medium, or short-chain fatty acids. This fatty acid performs actively in the ghee for an easy digestion process.  

Does Consuming Fermented Foods help you in Digestion?

Fermented foods into your diet  helps in improved digestion. Fermentation, an age-old technique of food preservation, continues to be employed in the contemporary production of items that are wine, cheese, sauerkraut, yogurt, and kombucha.

Fermented foods have lots of beneficial bacterial, microorganisms that give several health advantages.  The natural fermentation process includes the conversion of carbohydrates, involving starch and sugar, into alcohol or acids by microorganisms that are yeast and bacteria. It not only preserves the food but also increases good bacterias, making fermented foods a healthy addition to a balanced diet.

Is there an impact on digestion from drinking water during or after a meal?  

There is no concern that water tends to dilute or weaken digestive juices or interferes with the digestion process. In fact, drinking water during or after a meal can support the breakdown and processing of food.

Water plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. It helps in breaking down food, facilitating the absorption of nutrients by the body. Furthermore, water tends to contribute towards softer stools, helping to prevent constipation. Choosing water over sugary drinks is suggested for the entire health.

For  a healthy lifestyle, good digestion is important. This requires plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. Involving low-fat or fat-free dairy products, lean meats, and managing a healthy weight are also imperative factors. Consistent physical activity most days of the week further assists optimal digestion and overall well-being.

Understanding the Contribution of Glutamine to Gut Health:

While the body can synthesize glutamine, creating it a non-essential amino acid, there are instances, that are during periods of intense stress from illness, disease, or lifestyle stress, when it becomes conditionally necessary. In such cases, receiving glutamine from the diet becomes imperative. As the most abundant free amino acid in the bloodstream, glutamine delivers an imperative role as a necessary substrate for intestinal cells. It proves specifically beneficial in improving the function, proliferation, and life cycle of enterocytes in the small intestine.


Clearly choosing desi cow ghee instead of Any refined product has been one of the nutritional choices suggested by the latest nutritional experts. Desi ghee is a rich source of fat-soluble vitamins that are highly essential for digestion. 

Desi ghee is loaded with a lot of omega 3 fatty acids along with butyric acid. So if you want to buy desi cow ghee made by the traditional wooden churned method, then you can order it online at https://sureshfoods.com.