Amla Juice – 6 Benefits For Hair And Skin

6 Benefits of Amla Juice for Skin and Hair

Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a consumable fruit that is edible to Amla trees. It is one of the vital   Ayurvedic medicines and has been traditionally useful for its health, hair, and skin advantages. 

Amla is an ample source of vitamin C, which can be helpful to build your immune system and fight several issues. It is also a good source of antioxidant characteristics that are meant to lower oxidative stress in the body. 

Amla oil is one of the most efficient and widely used nutritions to cure several hair issues. In this article, we will discuss the edible amla oil benefits. Amla Oil is the oil extracted from Amla fruits of Indian gooseberries. 

Unlike other oils like sesame, coconut, or sunflower, amla oil is not directly taken from the fruit. Instead, amla fruits are dried in sunlight and are absorbed in a carrier or base oil. The resultant oil appears green in colour due to the seeping of Amla juice into the oil. Carrier oil may be either coconut, mineral, or sunflower oils.

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Benefits of amla juice for skin and hair

1. Combats premature aging

Loaded with the properties of a natural antioxidant vitamin C, amla juice is useful to sustain the youthfulness of the skin. Antioxidants prevent the skin from the harmful impact of free radicals that are the cause for diminishing skin collagen that is the cause for unfavourable skin blemishes such as wrinkles, dark spots, fine lines, etc. 

The daily intake of amla juice can restrain the many results of premature ageing, thereby delivering you soft and supple skin. To maintain several years off your face, consuming amla juice daily can truly come a long way. You can also regard the drink as amla composed with aloe vera in its juice form. 

The amla aloe vera juice also has immense healing qualities that delay the results of ageing. Subjection to pollution, harmful UV rays, and stress are essential causes that lead to pigmentation generating the skin looks uneven and dull. High vitamin C properties in amla juice are useful in combatting pigmentation. 

It has cooling results on the body and works as a purifier and cleanser that is useful to lighten dark spots on the skin which are a reason for pigmentation. You can infuse amla juice into your skincare remedy by either consuming it or using it externally.

2. Exfoliates skin

Enriched with vitamins and antioxidants, amla juice functions as a potent reactor for skin exfoliation. Acting as a natural cleanser, it helps take out dead skin cells and promotes the brightness of your skin tone. 

Further, it also has an antiaging effect by enhancing the skin’s lines and tone. Along with amla for skin health, you can also include another essential herb giloy in your diet. Giloy is useful in detoxifying the skin and develops its quality by promoting it soft and supple.

An efficient method to follow this, by drinking the amla giloy juice every morning on an empty stomach. Have you ever had a question about how much amla juice should I intake daily? Well, we have just the right quantity for you. 

For healthy skin, add  30ml of Amla juice in 30 – 50ml of water, mix sugar/salt/honey as per taste, and drink it daily. Besides, you can also consider its external application. All you need to do is rub evenly amla juice on your face with cotton and wash it off after it dries.

3. Tones and tightens skin

The reduction in skin collagen causes your skin cells to lose their firmness and softness, offering output in sagging skin. As mentioned earlier, amla juice is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the production of collagen cells in the skin. This makes your skin soft, supple, and youthful. It also tones and tightens your skin 

4. Reduces greying of hair

Amla is the secret to dark and shiny hair. Unhygienic eating methods and anxiety are some of the reasons that cause premature greying of hair. Many youngsters are associated with this condition. 

Power-packed with the goodness of vitamin c and antioxidants, amla juice can be a suitable natural remedy to avoid the results of premature greying. 

Since it has cooling effects, it promotes hair rejuvenation as it overcomes the excess body heat. To make it a substitute for your diet, you can intake amla juice or directly put it in your hair.

5. Prevents dandruff

Amla juice acts as a superfood for your hair. It includes several hair nutrients that can perform many wonders. Common hair problems in the present day and age are that of dandruff that avoids dryness. 

Enriched with the power of vitamin c, amla juice treats the dryness on the scalp and protects the acquisition of dandruff. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics further cure the itching that occurs because of the presence of dandruff on the scalp.

6. Strengthens hair

Here is a natural way to strengthen your hair and increase volume. A good source of phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals, amla juice is useful to enhance scalp circulation thereby stimulating healthy strong hair. 

The regular intake of amla juice can also tackle hair root follicles. Further, it efficiently promotes these hair follicles for stronger and longer hair.

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How to prepare amla juice and how to infuse it with ghee

Today, amla juice is commercially bought in medical stores, but there is nothing like a homemade one right?

Here is a simple procedure to prepare amla juice at home.

What you need
  • 1 cup Amla (Indian Gooseberry), cut into pieces
  • 1 cup sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of cardamom powder (optional) for one glass of amla juice

How To Make

  • Wash and dry with cloth the amlas and take them in a bowl.
  • Take 1 ½ cups of water to the pressure cooker and put the bowl in it. Close the pressure cooker with its lid and put it on the stove.
  • Switch off the flame after one whistle. Take out the bowl from the stove after releasing the pressure in the cooker.
  • Now, gently check the Amlas to see that it gets cooled down. Press the amla with your fingers and extract the seeds.
  • Grind sugar crystals into a fine powder.
  • Grind the crushed amla. If you find it hard to grind them, mix some sugar powder and then grind them.
  • To make the amla juice concentrate, add the amla paste with sugar powder and salt. Put this concentrate in a freezer-safe box and keep it in the freezer.
  • Mix 2 to 3 spoons of this concentrated amount to a glass of water as you need amla juice. You can also insert some cardamom powder and stir well.
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How ghee is infused with Amla: 

  1. If amla powder is to be consumed, a teaspoon of it is added with a teaspoon of pure desi ghee, with a cup of lukewarm water. If amla fruit is useful for weight gain, then eat a teaspoon of ghee after eating amla and drink a cup of hot water.
  2. Also, drinking milk in which a teaspoon of Amla powder and ghee is boiled in the evening is useful for dry cough. Inhaling Amla powder mixed with ghee regularly twice or thrice a day also treats chronic dry cough.
  3. According to my experience, my mother used to insist on eating 3–4 amla slices frying in desi ghee with little coriander powder daily, for long/black hairs.
  4. For patients who have issues with digestion and acne on the skin as well as to want relief from pitta in their body, doctors normally suggest having a dose of a teaspoonful of dried Amla paste along with one teaspoon of ghee after 20 min of drinking warm water.
  5. If needed you can store 100 gms of Amla powder with 100 gms of grass-fed cow ghee and thoroughly mix and store in a glass jar. It can be consumed as the doctor advised.

So pure desi ghee also performs a vital role to get effective results against skin and hair issues and also promotes a healthy lifestyle.


You can also couple the power of amla with ayurvedic herbs. Two healthful pairs are those of Amla + Giloy and Amla + Ghee, each of which promotes hair and skin health. You can Intake these herbs on a palatable platform, by consuming the Amla juice and Amla Giloy juice. 

These nutritious fluids can bring you a wealth of good health. Do try them out soon. Being revered for years, amla juice infused with ghee is a popular natural remedy for many hair and skin conditions. 
Adding this miraculous pair to your food can promote you to witness immense health benefits. To buy for home its best, you can purchase the pure desi ghee online. For that, you need to visit our website:


Is it Beneficial to Combine Ghee and Amla?

Amla powder combined with ghee into your routine diet can provide a nutritious and delightful experience. Amla, also well-recognized as Indian gooseberry, is plentiful in vitamin C, antioxidants, and several other nutrients. Ghee, a clarified form of butter possessing a rich flavor, positions a prominent place in conventional Indian cuisine. Such a combination not only improves the nutritional profile but also contributes to a delicious touch to your culinary endeavors.

Can Amla Enhance Eyesight?

Amla caters as an imperative source of vitamin A, well-known for its positive influence on vision. Constant consumption of amla juice can deliver an imperative role in encouraging better eye health and potentially minimizing the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Can Amla and Ghee Enhance Respiratory Health?

Mixing the amla powder along with cinnamon and turmeric is considered to be beneficial for respiratory health. The collaboration of amla along with ghee and turmeric is specifically productive for acknowledging conditions that are allergic rhinitis and hives. Another delicious combination, Amla Chatpata, includes combining amla along with spices like cinnamon, ginger, and jaggery, granting additional support for respiratory well-being.

To which dosha does Amla cater?

Amla is well-renowned for its capability to soothe all three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha along with a specific calming influence on pitta. It boosts a taste profile comprehending sour, sweet, pungent, bitter, and astringent taste. Its action (virya) is characterized by a cooling and calming effect, and the post-digestive impact (vipaka) is sweet in nature.

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